Cash On Delivery
Most items on are valid for order by Cash-on-Delivery.
Add the item(s) to your cart and proceed to checkout. When prompted to choose a payment option, select "COD".
Once verified and confirmed, your order will be processed for shipment in the time specified, from the date of confirmation. You will be required to make a cash-only payment
Things to keep in mind when buying items through Cash on Delivery:
Buyers can only avail COD facility for those items that are available for purchase with COD as a payment option.
No item priced above Rs. 10,000 will be available for purchase through Cash on Delivery.
Buyer delivery address pin code needs to be part of List of Cash on Delivery supported pin codes.
The courier company will contact the buyer so as to confirm the delivery date and time. The buyer should ensure being available at the time of delivery along with the transaction amount in cash.
The buyer can not open the package before submitting the transaction amount to the courier agent.
Octroi Charges, as may be applicable in various territories in India, shall be paid by the buyer to the Courier Agent. These additional charges will depend on the city pin code list as per government rules and regulations. The Logistics Agency will give you the Octroi receipt issued by the concerned Government agency.
The maximum order value for Cash On Delivery is Rs.10000
Express, Overnight and Delivery by Appointment services are not offered on Cash-On-Delivery
Cash-only payment at the time of delivery. Be sure to check the amount on the invoice before providing the required amount.